ITC Adds Empower to Binding Online with TurboRater for Websites
Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced today the addition of Empower Insurance to its instant binding online technology in TurboRater for Websites, its online consumer portal, in Texas.
Carrollton, Texas – Monday, October 13, 2014 –

Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), a leading provider of marketing, rating and management software and services, announced today the addition of Empower Insurance ( to its instant binding online technology in TurboRater for Websites, its online consumer portal, in Texas.
When they visit an insurance agency website with TurboRater for Websites on it, online insurance shoppers can get auto insurance quotes from multiple insurance companies. The instant binding online technology then gives those consumers the option to purchase a policy from one of the available carriers directly on the agent’s website. TurboRater for Websites has built-in underwriting rules to ensure the risk is acceptable, and coverage is appropriately secured. Coverage begins right after the policy is purchased, and proof of insurance is immediately provided to the consumer. The agent is notified of the new policy and has instant access to the quote and policy information in his or her TurboRater account or the company’s agent portal.
“83% of online insurance shoppers get more than one quote, according to the 2013 comScore Auto Insurance Online report, which is why we’re continually working to add new carriers to our unique binding online technology so our agents can demonstrate on their websites why consumers should choose independent over captive” said AnMarie Bozick, CIC, comparative rating product manager at ITC. “Expanding the carriers available with our binding online technology is essential because of how this product helps our agents reach the online consumer.”
Based on ITC’s expertise and knowledge from being the nation’s largest provider of insurance agency websites, TurboRater for Websites changes to a finger-friendly layout when accessed on mobile devices and is user-friendly to maximize conversion rates. The online consumer portal is offered in multiple languages, including English and Spanish.
ITC is actively working to add more insurance carriers to the bind online feature of TurboRater for Websites.
About ITC
Insurance Technologies Corporation (ITC), founded in 1983, is a leading provider of agency marketing, rating and management software and services to the insurance industry, including independent agents and insurance carriers, for more than 30 years. Headquartered in Carrollton, Texas, ITC helps its customers across the United States grow their businesses and become more efficient through the philosophy of providing quality software and services that automates the client lifecycle. Currently, ITC serves more than 200 insurance companies and more than 6,000 agencies. For more information, visit us online at